Wednesday 18 January 2012

Rule Out Abuse

Together, we can Rule Out Abuse
Age Cymru believes no adult should have to endure abuse, and together we can “Rule it out”.
Did you know there is currently no duty on local authorities to investigate cases of abuse or potential abuse?

Age Cymru believe this must change and that a new law is needed to support and protect adults who are at risk of abuse.

A new law is just one of the tools that need to be used to protect adults from abuse, and there is a lot more that we can do together to Rule Out Abuse.

A new law is one of the actions in our Rule Out Abuse charter, which we have developed to set out actions the Welsh Government can take to strengthen adult protection processes.

The Rule Out Abuse charter

The Rule Out Abuse charter calls on the Welsh Government to commit to three principles which should underpin all work to protect adults at risk of abuse:

• Prioritise safety

• Protect from harm and respect choices

• Promote the right to dignity and respect