Friday 14 August 2009

'No shows' for appointments are costing the NHS millions

It has been found Between 2007 and 2008 that 6.5 million appointments were missed in the UK, with hospitals losing around £100 per patient in revenue. Clinics are now over-booking patients in anticipation of no shows. It has been found that pPatients who fail to keep hospital appointments cost the NHS more than £600 million a year, enough to run two medium-size hospitals. The Patients Association said missing an appointment was "unforgivable". The Department of Health in England says initiatives such as text message reminders are being rolled out. But Unison said patients were not always to blame as check-ups are often arranged months in advance and easily forgotten. The public service trade union said primary care trusts should find ways of reminding patients of their appointments, which could include text or e-mail alerts.

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