Wednesday 29 July 2009

World Champ Helped My Mental Health

Leigh Bailey is now a qualified gym instructor Leigh Bailey's world was in tatters - he had a breakdown, and had lost his job, his wife and his children. He was so depressed he barely left the house and was suffering low self-esteem. Today he is brimming with confidence and has recently qualified as a gym instructor. And he credits his transformation to a 10-week Boxercise course run jointly with the Croydon branch of Mind and three times world champion Duke McKenzie. Boxercise is a fitness class which incorporates a number of boxing moves and techniques, without the physical contact. Boxing fit" It really inspired me," said Leigh. "Before I started the Boxercise programme I was suffering from agoraphobia, low self-esteem and depression, I wasn't working or leaving my house other than to attend medical appointments. " It had a major impact in helping me regain ownership of my own life." Read More News by clicking here