Originally a 'timber man' from Lavant Tin Mine, Jethro will be performing armed with nothing more than a microphone, a stand and a small table with his favorite drink to hand. As he paces the stage from side to side, you’ll hear hilarious antics of rural comedy delivered to you in a warm, Cornish accent. Selling over 4 Million stand-up comedy DVD’s to date, isn’t it about time you came and experienced some serious nonsensical twaddle!! Warning Adult Material – Over 18’s Only.Warning Adult Material – Over 18’s Only.£18.50 Selling over 4 Million stand-up comedy DVD’s to date, isn’t it about time you came and experienced some serious nonsensical twaddle!!Warning Adult Material – Over 18’s Only. parkdare.rct-arts.org/en/whats-on/view/jethro/