You are invited to attend the Merthyr Tydfil World Mental Health Day Event 2011, which is being held on Friday 7th October at the Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Centre (old Rhydycar), commencing at 10.00 am and finishing after 2.30 pm.
World Mental Health Day is a global annual event aimed at raising awareness of mental health and addressing associated stigma, and at a local level Mental Health has been identified as a priority for development within the 2011- 2014 Health, Social Care & Well-Being Strategy.
The World Mental Health Day Event is a way of working collaboratively towards addressing the needs of our local communities. This day will provide opportunity for service users to engage with providers of services, and will also be a chance for local organisations and partners to showcase the quality and quantity of services available within the County Borough.
It is important for us to appropriately cater for all attendees so, if you are an organisation attending or exhibiting on the day, please complete the appropriate booking form as attached:
Please complete and return your Booking Forms before 12 Noon on Friday 9th September 2011 to Maria Abson, Mental Health Development Officer at Interlink, Unit 6 Melin Corrwg, Cardiff Road, Upper Boat, CF37 1DZ or via mabson@interlinkrct.org.uk.
If you require free transport, then please contact Shian Neale on shian.neale@merthyr.gov.uk who will be able to discuss this with you.
We look forward to hearing from you in the near future and to World Mental Health Day 2011.